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Writer's pictureRachel Wondergem

Wondergems are wonderful in boat win

I couldn't help sneaking in that alliteration...

Two pieces of good news for Ukraine this week!

1. Good people are creating ways to get the truth about the war into Russia. I was happier after reading the concrete examples below. Do you know of others?

Hackers broke into Russian state TV to broadcast video footage from the front lines. The New York Times, BBC, and Washington Post launched channels on Telegram, a social media app not yet banned. Polish programmers built an app that has allowed 40 million messages to reach Russians from people outside the country. German developers shared code that posts a pop-up notification about the war when someone in Russia visits a website. People have used Yandex, Russia's version of Google, to post reviews sharing details of the war. Twelve of the top 20 apps downloaded last week in Russia were VPNs, which help Russians bypass media censorship.

2. And in lighter news, the Ukraine boat wins in the Wondergem races over the weekend!

Members of the Wondergem clan built and painted wooden boats, then raced them on a creek near my house this Sunday. After three grueling races, the boats were deadlocked in a tie, determined by Mario Cart scoring. The results would come down to a vote for the best-looking boat, and the winner was... the Ukrainian ship! (Not that this detail is essential, but that boat was painted by my nephew, Brody, and me!! )

I'm very proud to say that my niece, Mia, won the award for the wettest shoes of anyone! You go, girl! I'm so proud.

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